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Blue Cross and Blue Shield is one of the most recognized and trusted health insurance companies in the U.S. In an ever changing world of health care and medical advances its important to the general public to have a recognized brand that is up-to-date on the medical world.
Reaching out the Latino population in the U.S. is always a different undertaking. Especially for the target audiences in the lower income populations. Often these lower income groups find insurance an extra finance that is a luxury not a necessity. Also a fear of confusion with documents and decisions not in their native tongue is also a viable factor.
Using BCBS’s tagline “Siempre Contigo” / “Through it All” sits well with the Latino population. Culturally Latinos are community driven and trust those they connect with. Through all of life challenges knowing there is someone that you can trust creates life long connections. Thus using that “Siempre Contigo” tone and tapping into those familiar family-like images and messaging often gave strong response. Direct mail still remains the main way to reach the older generations however with ever growing technology and devices even the older generations could be targeted via social media and display ads just as the all other younger target audiences.
Aside from providing a sense of trust with this target audience messaging also had low cost options as a secondary selling point. Being able to best understand not only what you target audience responds well to but understanding their concerns and fears was just as important.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield is one of the most recognized and trusted health insurance companies in the U.S. In an ever changing world of health care and medical advances its important to the general public to have a recognized brand that is up-to-date on the medical world.
Reaching out the Latino population in the U.S. is always a different undertaking. Especially for the target audiences in the lower income populations. Often these lower income groups find insurance an extra finance that is a luxury not a necessity. Also a fear of confusion with documents and decisions not in their native tongue is also a viable factor.
Using BCBS’s tagline “Siempre Contigo” / “Through it All” sits well with the Latino population. Culturally Latinos are community driven and trust those they connect with. Through all of life challenges knowing there is someone that you can trust creates life long connections. Thus using that “Siempre Contigo” tone and tapping into those familiar family-like images and messaging often gave strong response. Direct mail still remains the main way to reach the older generations however with ever growing technology and devices even the older generations could be targeted via social media and display ads just as the all other younger target audiences.
Aside from providing a sense of trust with this target audience messaging also had low cost options as a secondary selling point. Being able to best understand not only what you target audience responds well to but understanding their concerns and fears was just as important.