Cricket Wireless
Cricket Wireless over years has become a viable contender in the wireless world for the consumer looking for great deals, new devices and connectivity all on a budget. Cricket Wireless continues to grow their network and knowing connection with our neighboring friends just south of the border is essential.
Here is a sampling of layouts for Cricket’s latest promo “Pa’lla y Pa’ca” (From There to Here). This promo highlights a ‘no roaming fees’ plan to their customers both on the U.S. (Interior) and those on the U.S./Mexico Border (Exterior).
A range of display ads, direct mailers, and emails were created and distributed in 3 various waves to targeted consumers. Each wave was to be released within close staggered dates and tracked to see which layout resulted with the highest response. The winners of both direct mailer and email layouts were then the new control piece to version off for continued versioning.
One major struggle that the team encountered was this creative was to be tested in English and Spanish. We had to base creative of the out-of-home and social media the lead agency for Cricket has created. We used their creative to capture the general tone and feel of the campaign and the target audiences. However, all creative was started off in Spanish then back translated to English. Unfortunately there was no Spanish speaking team members working initially on this account pre-creative. Luckily when the creative team was selected I happened to be amongst the selection. I am not only fluent but have experience working with bi-lingual and full Spanish creative. We were on a tight timeline for our first wave, thus not allowing substantial rounds of translations between the translation agency and ourselves. So I was able to step in for proofing and general back translations, and also was able to assure the colloquial tone and verbiage initially used by the lead agency kept true and throughout the process. Also in general was able to provide direct translations to the team and assist the copywriter.
Being able to support my team in a different manner aside from my usual design/directing skill set was a great opportunity to showcase another skill I hone. It also felt great to be able to further assist my team.